Saturday, January 24, 2009

Russia Today: Alex Jones & the Inauguration of Barack Obama

Russia Today continues to impress. They seem to cover news that is completely ignored by American mainstream media. I find it interesting that they have been inviting and allowing guests with controversial views to speak, remarkably without attacking and interrupting them ceaselessly.

Alex Jones breaks it down:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Letter to Dr. Henry Makow

After reading this article the other day, I felt that it was perhaps a good time to write Henry Makow about a topic that I wanted to bring to his attention for some time, so I sent him the following letter, and have included his response below.

Dear Dr. Makow,

Please do not feel it necessary to post this on your site unless you find it useful for your purposes. My primary motivation for writing to you today is to share my perspective on something with you personally, for whatever it might be worth.

Foremost let me say that I am supporter of your work. I sometimes promote articles which you have written on social networking websites, as well as other articles like those by Les Visible (of the Smoking Mirrors blog), and news stories and educational videos that I feel raise awareness. Since early 2007 I have been dedicated to exposing the same powers that you expose in your work.

I would like to share my perspective on the Cabala. When you speak of the Cabala and those who exploit it, the descriptions you employ and the manner in which you frame the topic makes a lot of sense. However, it is my contention that the Cabala is not inherently evil. The Sepherot are representative of different states of awareness. It is essentially a kind of map that could be used for good OR evil purposes.I doubt that I ever would have caught on to the conspiracy which you teach if it weren't for my own teacher, who himself was a former Freemason. I do not represent him or claim to accurately depict his teachings regarding this or any other topic. However, something he spoke about throughout the years and which only became clear to me around 2006, was that a group of beings that he called the "Old Sorcerers" are the string pullers behind the so-called Illuminati conspiracy. Apparently, the Old Sorcerers exploit what in the Jewish tradition is represented by the Cabala, and I believe, use a sort of REVERSE or perverted Cabalistic system apparently aimed at de-humanizing humanity at the behest of inorganic beings who war against the free will of Man.

Contained in what the Cabala represents are the keys for transforming humanity into something more than it currently is, and it is Man's divine birthright and destiny to unfold his full potential. But a little knowledge without impeccability can be a tremendously dangerous thing, and black magic can turn men into beasts and enslave them. The seer Rudolph Steiner said, "For every one step that you take in the pursuit of higher knowledge, take three steps in the perfection of your own character." With respect to all of this, I think it might be useful to compare the difference between the pentacle, with the star pointing up, emphasizing the point of Spirituality at the top, VS the inverted pentagram, with the spiritual point at the bottom, emphasizing the Beast's supposed triumph over the spirit. One can represent the natural order of things. The other can represent the perversion of natural law.

I work using the postulate that there is a Spiritual Hierarchy, or Guardians of the Race, of which the Christ is a leader. These Masters could themselves be considered "White Magicians" as a result of the initiations which they have taken. Their power is of a vastly different quality than that of the sorcerers operating behind the Illuminati. A good analogy for the dramatic difference between these two is the Jedi as opposed to the Sith, as illustrated in the Star Wars movies. The Guardians of the Race are distributors of positive energy to humanity, whereas the Old Sorcerers are the petty tyrants setting about to enslave it.

The Old Sorcerers utilize their enormous economic influence and their usury banking systems to leech power off of humanity. However, their power is inferior to the Christ and the Guardians of the Race, who fight for the expansion of awareness and for truth, rather than manipulation, lies, and self-centered interests. The level of awareness of the Old Sorcerers is essentially undeveloped, as their personal evolution has been stunted through their addiction to their black arts.

I have observed people who have apprehended the conspiracy against humanity grossly attempt to pigeon-hole things like, for example, the teachings imparted through H.P. Blavatsky or Alice Bailey as also being against man. However, that knowledge comes from a distinctly different source, and when approached with honesty and discernment, has much to offer the serious student.

In summary, it is my belief that the essence of what the Cabala represents is not necessarily evil, but is rather something which could be EXPLOITED for self-centered or evil purposes. I also have reason to believe that there are indeed powerful beings which are fighting along WITH humanity and want humanity to WIN. But this is no excuse for apathy, for in spite of their power they are stepping back during this momentous time in human history in order to allow human beings to CHOOSE their course and to take ACTION as beings of free will. The outcome of this battle will be definitive.

Here is a link to one of my blog entries, where I posted an interview that you conducted. Please take note of the book quotes at the bottom, which I think you may find interesting.

Thank you for your time, and for your excellent work!


Dr. Makow’s response:


Thanks for this. My view is that you can find chakras & paths to higher awareness in places like Raja Yoga/Vedanta which are not linked to a vicious conspiracy against mankind, as Cabala and Freemasonry are. Evil always hides behind good and we shouldn't be taken in.

best wishes


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Flashback 2008: Troll protects from 9/11 Truth 24/7

Imagine the dedication it took burying submissions and making over 16,000 comments antagonistic to 9/11 truth in a period of less than 2 years, averaging between 20 to 30 comments a day, 7 days a week,…